I Wanna Be Deported
Ignoring that national anthems, on the scale of musical importance, fall somewhere between Dio-era Black Sabbath and Amy Grant, the uber-nationalist fucktards (I'm habla-ing to you, Bush) might benefit from recognizing that the 'Mexican' interpretation of the Star Bomb Spangled Banner is far more relevant lyrically and more listenable than the crooning which begins the local high school football game. Considering that neither the song or the words bear any direct similarity to the original, we can reject out-of-hand Bush's attempt at criticism (the precious fellar is kinda cute when he tries to think) - attacking something he never even tried to understand seems so out of character. I'll even give Wyclef a pass for continuing a career built on performing other people's songs.
But credit to Bush for reminding us that furriners should learn to speak German English (if only he would follow that advice). We can't stress enough the importance of learning the unruly clusterfuck of the English language, what with being in a country where one does not understand the native tongue being as much fun as an endless pile of strippers, midgets, and balloons, and not at all frightening or difficult (something Bush et al might learn if ever they manage to leave the tourist districts and green zones when traveling abroad).
That said, remember that The Invasion of the Drywall Job Snatchers has done more to make possible affordable housing and fresh produce than anything this misadministration has done. And those 'illegals' using other's SS numbers are paying into a system they can't draw from, so stop calling them leaches on your tax dollars – they're donating to your retirement, gringo. When ya'll are done misdirecting your discontent from the fags and negroes to the beaners and creating a new Other to hate, try looking into who's really freeloading here (hint – it ain't the Hispanic women earning 54% that of white men).
There's a bigger lesson to be learned here about the promise betrayed democracy, and it's icing on the empanada that this Monday won't readily lend itself to Left-Right categories, but I don't know exactly what that lesson is yet. Should the purge continue, having just poked at the National Pasttime of Texas, I hope to be deported with them. I prefer the Pantanal or the