Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Do Arabs have TVs? They must. So they have surely heard about our plans to annihilate all of Iran with little deadly nuclear weapons. For some reason, the American media, including the blogs, has failed to notice that Iranians are not under the cone of silence at present but are, as far as we know, totally aware of this discussion of sending all of them to horrible, atomic death.

Somebody said that a tactical nuclear strike on Iran would result in Tehran sending waves of suicide bombers against the US. Doesn't it make better sense, though, to do it the other way around? That is, send the bombers first, and then get nuked? I mean, if Bush is going to fuck you anyway, you might want to fuck him first, just so he knows what it feels like.

If suicide bombers struck within the US, wouldn't that delay indefinitely an attack on Iran involving nuclear weapons? The idea being, if this is what Iran will do before an attack, imagine what they do for an encore. Or, alternatively, such an attack within our borders might just be the final push that sends the Bush regime over the precipice and out of office. After all, aren't we supposed to be fighting them "over there"?

I don't think Iranians are at all in the dark about the situation over here, and it wouldn't surprise me if the suicide bombers are already in the pipeline. End times, indeed.