Monday, July 31, 2006

Laughing My Ass Off

A certain pain-in-the-ass Republican has apparently moved from New Jersey to Virginia (which, as you will see by clicking the link and browsing, is for lovers...not fighters), and has begun suckling at the diseased teat of the "Leadership Institute" (or as the cool kids in the brown shirts say, "LI").

The Leadership Institute claims to nurture and develop conservative leaders. But you have to ask yourself: shouldn't any real conservative be striking out on his own, making his own money, buying his own "4000 dollar 60 inch (sic) HDTV monitor," not taking an allowance (or, if you're honest, "welfare") from some institute that produces puppets, not men? I guess college didn't exactly make a "doer" out of him; nor did that free market gravy train scoop him up on graduation day and whisk him off to a minority-free gated community.

So rather than sucking up his disappointment and joining the rest of us in the real world, striving and pushing to make life better for everybody, he voluntarily had his nuts clipped and now plays the eunuch for the bitch-queen known as "neoconservatism."

Oh, and his blog is called "Feathers of Steel."

Feathers. Of. Motherfucking. Steel.

Wim Wenders would be so proud! Seriously, I'm about to piss myself!!

UPDATE: Best paragraph so far (and I've only read ONE post!":

"Wealthier than Sin, the Swiss are also stingier than a Mormon at a strip club. Shots are measured with scientific precision as if it was poured in lavatory beakers. Towels in your bathroom will be straightened, spaced, toes pointed in the same direction, as orderly as little Soldiers. Glass, Steel, Concrete, and the electronic turbocharged engines in the Mercedes and Alfa Romeos are cleaner than a Virgin’s honeypot. Law Enforcement agents look more like tourists, strolling through their safe, clean, boring cities making sure pedestrians aren’t deviating from the crosswalks."

Tremble, world! This is your overlord-in-training pants!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

That's Right! The Hurricanes DID Win the Stanley Cup! Thanks for the Reminder!

Another Typical Blog Post

Me! Me me me me me me mine! My me I my mine me me me my I me mine me!

Go look it up if you don't believe me.

MySpace vs. blogs

I wonder if MySpace will push blogs down the stairs of public interest. Can something so trivial as blogging survive if a medium with far more mass appeal (read: droolingly inane personal details and titty pictures) captures the public's attention?

Who wants to read when we can all just flirt and post revealing pictures? It's all over again. With music and YouTube clips.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Runny Cunts


American League baseball

Midwesterners. If you do not care to discuss the weather, traffic, or Big Ten sports, you are of no use to them. When they are alone at home, do they just stare at the walls? There's no "there" there.

The Chicago Transit Authority. 30 minutes to catch a fucking bus?! And when it arrives, it is with 2 other buses, apparently convoying for safety, ever wary of a sneak attack from an Iraqi pavement torpedo? I'm only one man, CTA; I can only ride one bus at a time. If you spaced them out--say, by following your own schedule--people could shave 20 minutes off their commute.

Soccer, Jesus, and the Tour de France: all RunCun's and all gay. In the case of the cyclists, Floyd Landis proves they have to take testosterone, they're so girlie.

Scientific studies. Who gave Rush University a grant to study 3rd shift workers' sleep patterns? News flash: they sleep all the fucking time. And they chain smoke, chug coffee, take drugs, slam 22-ounce Buds on their lunch breaks, and inhale sawdust, metal dust, lint, and chemicals. None of which, incidentally, am I allowed to do as part of the study. But I am tired as hell and the $1800 paycheck looks like a bad deal right now. Stupid science. I'm switching to Jesus. At least he's gay, so maybe I can get a reach-around while I'm saying my prayers.


Roll your pants leg down if you hate bicyclists. Take the self-righteousness of a vegan and the vacuousness of a 12 year-old anarchist (sorry to be redundant), and you have a cyclist. Not to be confused with those persons who ride a bicycle for fun, exercise, or out in the vast wasteland of the American prairie (like that fly-ass bitch from the Wizard of Oz, who I hear has her own musical now...that's what we were all thinking as kids: "get out the way, you fucking dirtfucker from Kansas! I'm try'na peep me that fine green-faced skank!").

Look, urban cyclists: do you want to share the road or not? You're always opening up your bleeding vaginas and spewing on about how you need to be respected, how you're better than everybody else because of your mode of transportation, and how everybody else is a choade.

Well, assholes, here's how the road works: to be on it, you need to be a car. Travelling 35 miles per hour. Using a turn signal. Staying in your own lane, on the road, not on the shoulder, sidewalk, or straddling two lanes. And most of all, you need to observe and obey all traffic signals.

Actually, for bicyclists, that's the law. You want to be treated like a car, act like one. When I pass you, legally, in the other lane and then stop at a red light, you don't ride up on the curb and run the light. That is illegal and you are a fuck hole for doing it. When I have kids, they will have paintball guns to redress this offense.

By the way, this is a ticketable offense:

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Airplanes and Oceans

The tendency of right-wing wankers to drool over revenge fantasies is well known. The biggest mouths of the right, Coulter and Malkin, like to provide the basic jerkoff scenario in almost every column: some poor liberal has committed an unpardonable offense against conservatism and must die. Or, in the case of that woman at UC-Santa Cruz who committed suicide, has died.

Now, making fun of dead people is OK. Contrary to popular belief, the dead do not automatically deserve our respect or forebearance, and when an incredibly offensive, stupid conservative dies, I like to be there to taunt the widow. When you don't say bad things about dead people, you also open yourself up for years more exposure to those people and their odious ideas. If the Party had come out and really ripped Ronald Reagan when he died, maybe we wouldn't still have 90% of the population thinking he was just a great guy and wanting to name every public building after him.

But it's not so much that someone has died that's important to right-wingers, but HOW they died. It would be pointless, they seem to feel, for a Clinton to die in his sleep. No, he must die from the ol' red-hot-poker-up-the-ass, while being sodomized by a midget, broadcast on webcam.

The ultra death fantasy for the conservatives, though, seems to be the secret elimination. The really scary (by which I mean, "shouldn't be allowed to operate a motor vehicle," not "I'm scared of them") conservative pundits have spoken out in favor of secret torture programs, internment camps, and now increasingly the rhetoric veers towards what somebody with a knack for buzzwords has termed the "eliminationist" tendency in right-wing thought. It's not enough to silence your critics, or even for them to go off somewhere and die. You must, in fact, kill them, and in the most terrifying manner possible: in secret.

Now, I've no experience with disappearing people, but it doesn't take much imagination to conceive of a state that relies on secret death squads to repress dissent. And what's more, it doesn't take much more imagination to see that people like Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin wouldn't serve much of a purpose in such a state and would likely head the list of people to be purged from the ranks of the ruling party. The fascist state doesn't need any cheerleaders; it does what it wants and desires no input from borderline-retarded lackeys.

Apparently, no one on the right has ever thought about coming home, closing the front door, and feeling just for an instant the cold sting of an icepick sliding into the base of the neck. Or the soul-death of waiting as an airplane flies 200 miles offshore, where you will be thrown out from a height of only a few hundred feet--perhaps not even enough to kill you, but rather leave you stunned as you sink to your grave gulping lungfuls of burning salt water.

And that would be it for you. Of course, it wouldn't just be you, but probably several friends and family members would have to go, too. All your things would be removed, you would become an unperson, and anyone who asked after you would likely share your fate. Your mother, your siblings, your spouse would have to go on knowing what probably happened to you, but not knowing for sure; and worse than that, having to imagine your last minutes of life as being terrifying, brutal, and utterly dehumanizing.

That's the kind of thing right-wing fucktards dream about--but in their dreams they're the ones wearing the fatigues and throwing people out into the ocean. In a world where being a liberal is impossible because it carries a death sentence, who do they think is going to be targeted by the state? Probably the people who want to keep guns, shrink the power of the state, and maintain a powerful counter-institution, the church.

What does it say about conservatives that they think murdering their enemies is the first option? They don't believe they will ever win an argument with a liberal? They know they're too stupid and trusting of what the party feeds them to actually make valid points or navigate political waters without recourse to violence or the threat of it? Republicans are the first to claim politics is a "game" (at which they suck and therefore have to cheat, rig elections, etc.), but they also resort first to the idea that opponents ought to be not just defeated but in fact eliminated.

How did things ever get so far?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

What Happened to All the Republicans?

Don't see many comments here or on any other left blogs that would indicate that many Republicans care to defend either Bush or themselves anymore. Kind of sad, like when the scary dog next door finally croaks and you see from the carcass that it was really just a fat, old, toothless mutt.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Shut 'Em Down

Maybe this blog is done. I just don't feel it anymore. We're all going to die and in the meantime we're scrambling to piss on each other in electronic form. Where's the human interaction? Where's the human piss?

Are You Fucking Kidding?

Hey, let's get rid of the penny as a monetary denomination! There was actually a story about this on MSNBC. Slow news day, eh?

Among other things, a prime piece of "evidence" for the unnecessary nature of pennies is that it costs 1.6 cents to make one cent. It also costs 6 cents to make a nickel.


It costs (made up number follows) 85 cents to print a $1 bill. And you know what? That's like 25 pennies' worth of cost overrun, or 15 nickels. And for the $100 bill...well, just look the fuck out! That's a profit margin, let me tell you!

Money has NO intrinsic value, shitheads! It DOES, however, have IMBUED value that we NEED so we can PURCHASE stuff without carrying sacks of GOLD BULLION around with us. Money is a token for the purpose of exchange, NOT an investment by the US Mint. This "debate" ought to be about civil society: did you know it costs the government billions of dollars to run our schools--and yet schools don't produce a single DOLLAR of revenue?? CLOSE 'EM DOWN!!!!!

"Let's get rid of pennies, dude!" "Yeah, man, 'cause I hate having to spend them and stuff!" "Me too! It's not like banks will exchange them for other coins or even bills!" "Word!" "...and I mean, who DOESN'T want to pay 1 cent more for every item that's priced $--.99??"