Monday, July 31, 2006

Laughing My Ass Off

A certain pain-in-the-ass Republican has apparently moved from New Jersey to Virginia (which, as you will see by clicking the link and browsing, is for lovers...not fighters), and has begun suckling at the diseased teat of the "Leadership Institute" (or as the cool kids in the brown shirts say, "LI").

The Leadership Institute claims to nurture and develop conservative leaders. But you have to ask yourself: shouldn't any real conservative be striking out on his own, making his own money, buying his own "4000 dollar 60 inch (sic) HDTV monitor," not taking an allowance (or, if you're honest, "welfare") from some institute that produces puppets, not men? I guess college didn't exactly make a "doer" out of him; nor did that free market gravy train scoop him up on graduation day and whisk him off to a minority-free gated community.

So rather than sucking up his disappointment and joining the rest of us in the real world, striving and pushing to make life better for everybody, he voluntarily had his nuts clipped and now plays the eunuch for the bitch-queen known as "neoconservatism."

Oh, and his blog is called "Feathers of Steel."

Feathers. Of. Motherfucking. Steel.

Wim Wenders would be so proud! Seriously, I'm about to piss myself!!

UPDATE: Best paragraph so far (and I've only read ONE post!":

"Wealthier than Sin, the Swiss are also stingier than a Mormon at a strip club. Shots are measured with scientific precision as if it was poured in lavatory beakers. Towels in your bathroom will be straightened, spaced, toes pointed in the same direction, as orderly as little Soldiers. Glass, Steel, Concrete, and the electronic turbocharged engines in the Mercedes and Alfa Romeos are cleaner than a Virgin’s honeypot. Law Enforcement agents look more like tourists, strolling through their safe, clean, boring cities making sure pedestrians aren’t deviating from the crosswalks."

Tremble, world! This is your overlord-in-training pants!