Thursday, September 29, 2005

Chalk One Up for, uh, Republicans, I Guess.

Bill Frist is going down. Tom DeLay is going to jail. Karl Rove is all but finished. Bush and his team can look forward to indictments from now until forever. The Republican Party is in shambles and running scared.

Thank YOU, America's Republican Party.

Not just the men at the top, either (literally, there are almost no women--Karen Hughes is a transsexual, as you all know). Frist, DeLay and co., all did their part, sure. Hubris, arrogance, plain old criminal behavior--these all played a large part. Training the media to attack any and all scandals, no matter how minor, certainly proved to be a good strategy for self-immolation, as surely as breaking the vow of silence put in place under Tip O'Neill proved to be a great recipe for short-term success but a poor plan for career-minded politicians. See, when you slime everybody on the left relentlessly for a decade, you eventually get some on yourself, and then people start to notice you and start to think, "well, shit. With these new rules, where everybody is fair game, I guess now we ought to fuck that motherfucker in the ass for a while!"

No, I also want to thank the good old dumb country fuck Republican voters. Thank you all for putting these ass weasels in office for the last 5 years. You have done what no outrageous and wasteful Whitewater investigation could do, what no manufactured impeachment could do, what no garden-variety gay hooker in the White House scandal could do: you have proven to yourselves the utter incompetence and degeneracy of your chosen representatives. You had the wisdom to see that the Republicans left over from the Contract With America years and Bush and his fellow travelers needed a full two terms in power to get enough rope to hang themselves with, and now they are tottering on the edge of the stool with a noose around their necks. You have purged your own party. Nice work, my stupid brilliant compatriots.

Certainly, no credit goes to the Democratic Party, or those who would have it that the term "liberal" has any meaning outside of the Democratic Party (to say that is to claim power without strength, talent without ability, proof without evidence; in short, it is nonsense). No, the Democrats have been altogether ineffective against the Republicans and, fortunately for them, they have now only to sit back and snark as the GOP eats itself. Getting involved would only slow down the process, and might even reverse it for a time. So, for the love of God, Hillary: sit down and shut the fuck up.

The ironing, as Bart Simpson would say, is delicious. Delicious but a tad bitter. Ah, to be part of a party whose best weapon is its silence...