Sunday, September 11, 2005

Wrath of God-type Stuff...

Experience has shown that 2-out-of-3 dumbocracy readers don't follow sports, but allow me to suggest, anyway, that the hurricane may well have been God's last, best chance to take out rapist, sodomite, and New Orleans Hornets owner George Shinn. This guy is a real piece of scum, and he used to belong exclusively to the Queen City until New Orleans invited the little bloodsucking turd to move on down to the bayou and bring the team with him. The idea was to build in some top-notch entertainment to keep the rich white tourists happy, while also appealing to the majority of urbanites. For the record, yes, the NBA has become all about marketing to young, black men. But to get yourself a franchise by making a deal with a puke bag like Shinn, that's asking for trouble.

And, surprise! only three years after taking the team out of Charlotte, George is now talking about how hard it will be for him to stick around New Orleans. Well, N.O., he's your corporate citizen now. You wooed him, you got him. Don't count on any assistance from him, though--there won't be any Hornets-sponsored food drives or offers to fund shelters or any of that nonsense. No, see, the team actually needs YOUR help, in the form of a new arena, some more tax breaks, a new private jet, you get the picture...