Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Oh, I get it!

All this time, GW Bush has been thinking of himself as an employer! He views his role the same as any manager in a large firm with the power to hire and fire. So, since he can hire federal prosecutors, he can also fire them at any time. That's why the Justice Department, and Bush's cute little chihuahua, Alberto Gonzales ("Claro que si, el Presidente! You speak such good eSpanish! I so proud of you!" "Um, grass-eeyas, Albert! Yo quiero to fire me some attorneys!") inserted a little clause into the Patriot Act bypassing Senate confirmation for all such appointees: so Bush can summarily dismiss them whenever he wants to. You know, like a boss. Or a king. Whatever.

And the associated press thinks this is news. It also thinks Bush's declaration that he doesn't believe in subpoenas is news. Well, I don't believe Bush has a penis or would know what to do to protect this country from another terrorist attack, but it's really not up to me is it? There're facts, and then there are wishes...

Bush is an idiot, and a dangerously ignorant and belligerent one, at that. One more hearty "boooo!" belongs to the AP on this story, since it's on page 1 of many major papers today and all over the internets, and yet it isn't a story at all. The story should have been that Bush said, "I want to keep lying about this, so naturally me and my posse aren't going to swear any oaths." Congress said, "oh yes, you are!" But instead, the story is like this:

Boy tells stuffed animals: Mom doesn't know everything

"Jimmy's Room--Jimmy was sent to his room just now for throwing blocks at his sister and then blaming it on the cat. When his mother told him to stay in his room until he was ready to own up and apologize, Jimmy declared that he, "doesn't have to do what (Mom) say(s)!"

Minutes later, in his room, Jimmy assembled his stuffed animal collection, jury-style, and told them, "Moms don't know everything. And so there!"

That's what the AP story boils down to: "Bush doesn't think he has to do what fartypants Congress, stinkyface laws say." Pulitzer coming!