Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Once More, with Feeling!

As if more evidence of his assholicity were needed, our Fearful Leader is on a petulant tour of his messy Chimpy's Desert Adventure(TM) so he can look into a TV camera later this week and announce that he's not going to change anything or amend his appalling behavior.

The reason is clearer all the time: Bush has zero respect for democracy. Sure, all us little ants can vote his party out of office; and sure, we can call him names or plead with him to listen to reason (or just acknowledge reality). But, he actually believes he is the Emperor. I don't even think he feels any longer that he is a wise man, leading an unwilling nation to a promised land it cannot yet comprehend. I think now, he is simply content to punish the nation as harshly as he can for the next 2 years for not believing in him.

Recall Kitty Kelly's biography of 2004: a young and angry/drunk Bush pedaling his bicycle in circles in front of the family car his parents were riding in. No particular reason, save he was mad at them and as a totally immature ape might do, he was punishing HW and Bar by making an ass of himself in public. Oh the shame of it all!

Well, I'm not a Maine blueblood, so I don't give a shit about Monkey Boy's shenanigans. I am a democrat, though, so when he pretends like elections are meaningless, and moreover, that public opinion is irrelevant to a President, that pisses me off. This slow circular pedaling around Iraq is not going to fly. Bush, one can only hope, will soon taste the bitter back of history's hand.

I know I'm planning to write all his failures down for posterity.