Thursday, May 19, 2005

Bring It On

CSPAN2 Update:
John Kerry is up right now and he is taking the Republicans to the woodshed. I don't know what the fags on the Right are going to do, but they can't have much ammo against these kinds of attacks (ie, fact-filled arguments). I'm going to get a transcript of this and post it. He's really mad and he's pointing fingers and swinging at everyone he can think of. It's truly awesome. Where did this guy come from?

Now he's arguing that the Senate has always functioned as a club, in which backroom deals are the norm and mutually assured destruction has always prevented such an unthinkable act as the "nuclear option." What a great fucking argument--he's taken the veneer off this "game" the Republicans are playing. Sweet.

Many have blamed Kerry for his loss last November, saying that he ran a poor campaign and was too aloof, missed his opportunities, etc., etc.

Bullshit. If, in the absence of massive voter fraud, Kerry had won, Josh Marshall, DailyKos, and the rest of the whiny Left would now be praising his "shrewd" and "understated" tactics. Remember that the same bullshit the lefties are feeding us now was said about Al Gore, and he actually WON.

Attack the Republicans, assholes. Not yourselves.