Thursday, May 19, 2005

Please Help

Those poor Republicans. They didn't win every single office in the last election, so now we, the American people, are charged with making sure that an endless string of recounts and disqualifications of--ahem!--"voters of the wrong kind" puts the Republicans into their rightful, ordained by God positions as the Kings...uh, I mean, as our political leaders.

Thus, I got an email from my dear friends at the GOP entitled "Voter Fraud Alert":

"May 17, 2005
Dear josh,
More and more reports are emerging of the extent to which Democrats were willing to go to try to influence the 2004 election.
Well, their tactics worked in Washington State.
Our Republican candidate for Governor, Dino Rossi, actually won the election. Then he won the recount.
Then Democrat-controlled King County "found" 566 new votes just in time for the second recount, enough to overturn the results of Election Day and the first recount.
The new result? Dino Rossi "lost" by 129 votes. But consider the following facts in Washington state;
943 felons illegally voted
49 dead people voted
3 people voted in Washington and another state
2 illegal aliens voted
12 people voted multiple times
174 provisional votes were counted but later found to be cast people who had already voted or were unregistered
Also, at least another 1,600 ballots are still in question:
875 more absentee votes were cast in King County than there were absentee voters
95 more ballots in King County and 50 ballots in Whitman County were "found" after both recounts, and have never been counted
At least 660 provisional ballots were improperly counted in King County.
Dino Rossi is fighting, and voters of good conscience from across this country should stand with him. For more info on Dino Rossi and his ongoing fight, please go to
Michael DuHaime
RNC Political Director"

Michael DuHaime, by the way, promised to deliver Pennsylvania to Bush last election by getting out the vote. Apparently, he was just as successful in Washington.

I find it interesting that the whining babies at the GOP can ask people to stir up trouble over a tiny little gubernatorial election in one of our most irrelevant states but can't be troubled to look into mounting evidence that the 2004 presidential election was rigged for the smirking retard.

Gee, why is that?

More to the point, why would the GOP want to open up a can of worms that could potentially bring their own malfeasance to light? It just seems, what's the word, "stupid". Of course, Republicans ARE stupid, but usually not this much. Maybe they actually believe their own lies and think they're entitled to get their way regardless of the clear double standard they're pushing in the process. We already know they don't like to answer questions (not from peasants, anyway, and the Bush economy is making sure that we're all going to be peasants pretty soon).

There is a bright side to this one, though: the powers that be in the GOP are in a sweat over losing small state and local elections. In the 1980s, the Republicans built their movement through winning elections to school boards, county commissions, and mayor's offices. They are now losing their grip on the state and local levels and are simultaneously losing their shit because the foolish and ignorant no longer respond to the rhetoric of the crazy Right. Or, for that matter, the moderate Right. For as much shit as is heaped upon the lower classes for their supposed blind allegiance to conservative causes, it appears that the "simple folk" have figured out this much: the President is a Republican. He has fucked over the working class (it isn't even a question of class consciousness, though, so much as "he has fucked me over"). We must not vote for Republicans.

Watch and see.