Thursday, May 12, 2005

And Hilarity Ensued

Here is the latest from closet homo and GOP chairman Ken Mehlman:
(yeah, I'm on the mailing list. It's pretty amusing--you should try it.)

Dear josh,
No, no, no, no. That's all you hear from the Democrats in Washington these days. From blocking qualified judges to obstructing Social Security reform, they're obstructing the President's agenda at every turn without offering ideas of their own.
Watch the RNC's latest Web video now at to learn more about the "Party of No"!
Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) says Democrats don't need a plan, they just need to stop Republicans. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) says they don't care how long it takes, they will never back down. U.S. News and World Report columnist Gloria Borger says the Democrat Party has become the "party of no."
Watch the "Party of No" Web video now on! After you've watched please call your Member of Congress. Tell them to support the President's agenda.
Ken MehlmanRNC Chairman
PS: Watch the "Party of No" Web video now on!

I think he really wants us to watch the "Party of No" web video now on What do you think?

Now, aside from the fact that Ken just "outed" (woops!) a partisan hack journalist sucking the GOP dick over at US News and World Report (or else he misrepresented and libeled her), and ignoring for a minute that he called it the "Democrat Party" (is he retarded? What the fuck?), and forgetting that the GOP apparently has a massmail program that can't capitalize proper names (!?), that's a pretty funny email. Those darn Democratic bastards, always playing politics in political office. That's like a boxer trying to box in a boxing ring--it just makes too much sense! God forbid he should try to outlast his opponent, or refuse to "back down." Far better he should just drop his hands and take the pummelling. Then he can go home and have a nice cup of tea. He'll still have brain damage, though. Guess he needs a better "strategery," huh?

Another funny part of this email is that, if you click to "call your member of Congress" and tell them to support the Boy King, you only get the names of your Democratic reps in Congress. The glaring hole in that, obviously, being that there are plenty of Republicans who don't support Bush's barbaric war on Social Security or his fascistic judges. But to admit that would be honest and fair, and that wouldn't allow Ken to play politics with the issues. And, unless he's sucking off the President, I can't think of any other activity he's qualified to do.

Oh, just for closure, here's my reply as well:

Dear Ken,

This is interesting, but I really don't see your point here. As a committed Republican, I would obviously like to see the President's plans put into action, but I don't blame the other party for trying to thwart them, either. That is, as they say, the point of politics, is it not? Besides, didn't we do the exact same thing with Clinton? Being a crybaby about it isn't going to help us win any votes, and it actually plays right into the hands of Democrats who wish to portray Bush as some kind of tyrant. Please rethink this strategy immediately.


Veto THAT, bitch!!

Seriously, you gotta get on this listserv! It really brightens up those slow days at work!