Thursday, May 19, 2005

Filibuster Speechifyin'

Check out CSPAN or CSPAN2 (if you're like me and you have no job to go to during the day) for live coverage of the Democratic Party trying to do what it ought to do every day: hand the other side its ass.

Yesterday's highlight was Killer Kennedy reading down the list of civil rights abuses and just plain misreadings (if they read it at all) of the law by Bush's judicial nominees. He had quotes, he had charts and graphs, he had newspaper articles from rightwing papers in Texas--he even had Alberto "Alligator Clip" Gonzales saying a few years back that his fellow Texas Supreme Court justice and current nominee, Priscilla Owen, was a terrible adjudicator and couldn't understand simple concepts like "interpreting the law." Apparently, Gonzales felt that Owen often engaged in "unconscionable acts of judicial activism" (direct quote) all the time on the bench.

So, Mr. President (you dicksucking Yale fratfag), why exactly did you nominate someone who has made a career out of the kind of "activism" you claim to find so distasteful in liberal judges? Bearing in mind, of course, that you haven't actually come up with a single case of a liberal judge substituting his own opinion for the law--yet the Democrats barely had to scratch the surface of your prized nominee to find that other batshit crazy Republicans denounce her for doing so!

One programming note to the side of justice and light: don't follow a good speaker, like Kennedy, with a stuttering retard, like Max Baucus. His classical-influenced speech was only five minutes long (let's waste some time here, eh?) and it made very little sense. Plus, you're on PUBLIC TV, there, Max. Even I, who love Greek mythology and enjoy a discussion of Plato from time-to-time, thought it was boring and elitist. Imagine what others thought. Doofus.