Thursday, May 12, 2005

You Mean Afghanistan ISN'T a Vacation Wonderland?

Via Democratic Underground:

"In the midst of the recent violence, the Taliban declared that it had stepped up its attacks on coalition forces, targeting U.S. forces first. In addition to its declaration of increased violence, the Taliban rejected the Afghan government's offer of amnesty, over U.S. objections, to Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar.

Simultaneous with the Taliban's re-emergence is a rise in violent crime throughout Afghanistan. Afghans have witnessed a sharp increase in armed robbery, kidnapping, rape, and murder. Evidence suggests that members of Afghanistan's police force are involved in the crime wave. Most disturbing is the rise in kidnapped and murdered children. In Kandahar, four to five children a day are kidnapped for ransom then frequently mutilated, raped, and murdered after desperate families pay the ransom.

Things are now so bad in Kandahar that people there are reminiscing about "the good old days" under the Taliban."

SO: the Afghanis are now willing to bargain with Mullah Omar, the one guy in the country we absolutely must kill. Sounds like a great job, once again, by the US in nation building and coalition-forging. You know what we have to do now? We have to nuke that country to save it. Think about it.

I wouldn't make too much of the fact that people are openly pining for the "good old days" under the Taliban. Maybe they see the direction the US is headed in and they just want to be like us, the shining beacon of western Taliban-ism. The American Taliban, and its puppet leader, Mullah George, are moving to consolidate power by subjugating women's bodies, exterminating minorities, and blanketing the nation in fundamentalist religious practices. Why would Afghanis NOT recognize this as a resurgence of favor for the Taliban among Americans?