Thursday, April 21, 2005

Republicans Endorse Return to Slavery

From Abraham Lincoln:
"Near eighty years ago we began by declaring that all men are created equal, but now from that beginning we have run down to that other declaration, that for some men to enslave others is a 'sacred right of self-government.'"
And this: "That perfect liberty they sigh for is the liberty of making slaves of other people."

Now, substitute the words "enrich themselves at the expense of" for the word "enslave" and you'll see the parallel. Just as the South claimed, disingenuously enough, to defend liberty through preserving slavery, so the Republican Party, libertarians, and other "great thinkers" now claim to defend the soul of liberty through the endorsement of the raw accumulation of wealth. The essence of freedom, they would have us know, is to be unencumbered by any sense of duty to your fellow man.

More astonishing, liberty seems to have been distilled into the notion that being a slave to the market makes one "free." We shall make slaves of ourselves and others, for no other reason than our obeisance to an abstraction called "market forces." Very well. If some men claim to be powerless against an idea (ridiculous!), the perpetuation of which is only possible through their continuing belief in it, then we must consider those men to be insane and a detriment to our collective project. Is it excusable to push away the starving, the suffering, the destitute, and to commend to them that most unjust of constructions, "the market"?

For shame. For shame.

(Can you tell I've been reading Lincoln?)