Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Palin Failin'?

Hey, where the fuck is Sarah "second woman on the moon" Palin, anyway? She wasn't at the convention today, she wasn't on TV last night, she didn't go to Phyllis Schlafly's photo-op today (how's that gay son working out, Phyllis?). Where is she? Why can't we see or hear from her -- especially when the big, fat raindrops of political destruction are falling all around the GOP?

I mean, did you hear that Obama has gained 11% with former Clinton backers (70% to 81%) just since last Thursday? Where's your genitalia now, Palin?

I understand that her "experience" was a lie and a dodge to begin with, and that therefore McCain's people, including the guy who smeared him in SC in 2000, have to spend every waking moment drilling the talking points into Palin's head, but she also has to actually appear in public sometimes, you know, like it's a campaign. This is not a silent auction, McCain!

In other news, I hear Obama has a black baby...or two!