Monday, September 01, 2008

Hurricane Response and Ineptitude

According to the NYT, McCain has much to gain or lose by his response to the gulf hurricane today and tomorrow. But also, Bush is expected to jump into action and show that government, his government, can work in times of crisis.

Not bloody likely.

See, what the media just doesn't get -- and neither do most people, because it's an unthinkable premise for governing -- is that Republicans like Bush don't want the government (his government!) to look competent or to work effectively, American lives and fortunes be damned. In fact, the more incompetent the government appears, the more support private services will receive. And privatization is the name of the GOP government game.

Why is the Army in charge of gulf coast planning and security this time around (as opposed to FEMA or DHS)? Republicans love the Army. It's the one part of the government they absolutely cannot imagine doing without. But FEMA, that's part of the "beast" and should be made to look as powerless and ineffectual as possible. That way, down the line, Americans will be more disposed to accept, say, disaster relief brought to them by Blackwater, or the Baptist Church, or some subsidiary of the Carlyle Group. It's why McCain and his tool followers are pledging to focus their convention activities on what amounts to a bake sale for New Orleans; Republicans don't want a responsive, competent government that spends money (YOUR money!!) to save lives and help citizens.