Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Why Can't We Be Better?

Ted Sorensen, erstwhile speechwriter for JFK and all-around badass, just spoke at the convention and...my...God. The man is incredible. He's slow (and, about 80 years old, it appears) and speaks deliberately, but his command of not only the language but also the necessary tone and inflection of public speech is majestic. He even ended with a poem. A fucking Poem! About Obama! It was awesome. Get it on YouTube (because I KNOW it wasn't shown by CNN or MSNBC, because they were almost certainly in a tight shot of their respective empty-headed anchors, who were blathering about nothing while an American treasure named Ted Sorensen was kicking out the fucking jam down on the floor. Sorry, convention time makes me a little stupid.

And Sorensen was followed by Mike Honda (I love his cars!). He was corny. Boo, ethanol!