Friday, August 08, 2008

Can this really be the Democratic Party's platform for the convention? If so, then it's actually the No Party Affiliation's platform. The best part of Swanson's critique:

"...I mean the glorious new bipartisan consensus, since "There can be no Republican or Democratic ideas, only policies that are smart and right and fair and good for America -- and those that aren't." What sort of Coloradan horseshit did these people step in on the way to the printers? What sort of talk is that for a majority party going up against the would-be successor to the least popular president in the history of the nation, a senile fool bragging constantly about his role in a war opposed by three-quarters of the country? No Democratic ideas? None? And no correspondence between Republican ideas and stupid, wrong, unfair, badness? If you're not going to put an offense on the field, Barack, your defense is going to wear down by November."

Is Obama going to really go this route, the dickless, no consequences, Gerald Ford I-pardon-everyone-without-asking-questions way? Will it make no difference who wins the election, save that one will do his shitty work in the open (McCain) and the other would do it while distracting us with a grin and claiming to be all about change?

They used to say Democrats would hold their noses and pull the lever if Clinton was the candidate. Maybe we should change that to "punch yourself in the nuts and vote Obama."