Monday, August 04, 2008

Who Will Climb Against Cancer Now?

Surely you have heard by now about the K2 mountain-climbing disaster that killed 11 people and has onlookers' panties all in a wad (well, really it's mostly women who had already wadded-up their own panties to throw them at the climbers upon their rockstar return). Something called an "ice pillar" gave out, causing an avalanche that took out a bunch of multinational climbers. This is very sad. My impression is that the group was scaling the world's 2nd-highest mountain to raise money for the world's 9,342nd-most-pressing disease, juvenile whale cancer. While not my preferred charity, the Global Juvenile Whale Cancer Outreach and Counseling Resource Center and Fair Trade Coffee Outlet was probably in line for a very large donation from those selfless mountain climbers upon their successful ascent of K2. I mean, why else bother doing something so fucking retarded as dedicating yourself to training, consuming resources in massive quantities, wasting money, sucking down pure oxygen, sporting high-tech, one-use gear, polluting the top of one of the globe's majestic natural wonders, and not ever holding a useful place in society, unless it's for juvenile whale cancer or something similarly emotionally affecting?

Of course, the charity angle is just a guess. It's possible these people were just climbing a mountain for no good reason except to do it. In which case, they're God's popsicles and fuck 'em.