Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Brett Favre is an Asshole

So Brett's a Jet, eh? Whoop-de-fuckin'-do.

First of all, you cannot retire and then "take it back." Does not happen. Anyone who tries to do that is a fucking fuckface and fuck them anyway. I'm talkin' at YOU, Brett.

Second, to paraphrase Dr. Phil, the fat idiot, It Ain't About You! There's a backup QB in GB named Aaron Rodgers, who probably sucks, but if so, he sucks because the last time he played meaningful football was FOUR YEARS AGO because he's been backing up OLD and DECREPIT and SELFISH YOU since then, and this poor fuck is now shit-eyed for his whole career because you, Brett Favre, left him in the lurch so you could whine and cry about how you wanted to come back but them mean ol' Green Bay Packers were just so meeeny-weeeny iddy wuzzzy booo booo doo poo wuzzzuh. Yes they were! Look, dude: you're white trash from Mississippi. Shut the fuck up. You have at least one million dollars. You're the goddamn Mayor of Mississippi. Drink it off.

THIRD, everyone in the media is somehow on your side on this. You must know voodoo. Good for you. But still, fuck off. After all, this is the same media that decided GW Bush would make a good president because he was "funny."

See ya. And don't forget to go fuck yourself.