Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Take It Away, Fat Boy!

So Bush, et al, lied excessively on the way to Chimpy's Desert Adventure. I'm still slightly amused, if also psychotically angered, when people posing as "experts" bring up how they have *gasp* suddenly unearthed the proof that the war in Iraq is illegitimate. My God! How could we not have noticed that it was all just a house of bullshit-smeared cards?!

Where were these people back in 2001, 2002, and 2003? Inquiring minds want to know, because I recall clearly being pissed off about the stream of lies coming from Washington in the years leading up to the war. Transparent, silly, galling lies that only Congress and the press swallowed without complaint (what a time to have utter morons manning the battle stations in those two places, eh?).

So, you're late to the party, but the exact count is great and all. Except, of course, that giving an exact number invites scrutiny--especially from the Republicans who've made it their industry to challenge any and all assertions that go against them not on the merits but on technicalities. Stupid people--by which I mean, the average conservative citizen--don't think very well and are apt to believe that an entire argument is bogus if even one tiny detail is shown to be iffy. It's called rationalization, it's a defense mechanism people use to shield themselves from blame and uncomfortable self-analysis, and it's the cottage industry (what a big cottage!) of the right-wing dissemblers like Rush Limbaugh. I don't have the stomach (fat joke!) for him, but should anyone listen today, they will no doubt see that Fat Boy has decided to address this report head-on, as he must do with anything damning to the GOP or Bush, but can only pick at the details. His defense of lying may appear weak, but to people who can't and won't face their own culpability and basic small-mindedness, black hearts, and lack of Christian understanding, it will look like a masterful demolition of a "liberal attack" on the God-king, George.