Saturday, January 05, 2008

GOP Catfight

This debate is awesomely sucky. Huckabee is a moron, clearly. Romney is going down in flames, and his facial expression makes it look like he's got something sharp sticking him in the ass. Ron Paul makes sense, so he must be a loser. Poor guy. Giuliani literally cannot finish a sentence without saying "9/11". No surprise. Thompson is a nonstarter. McCain is a wiener and has a black bastard daughter (or at least George Bush told me he did).

All these bozos effectively denied that the President works for the American people. Many said things to the effect that they, if elected, would not pay attention to public opinion--in other words, this is not a democracy, but a dictatorship and they're running for dictator. Mitt Romney said that the government wants to take "your money," in the hundreds of billions of dollars, and give everybody healthcare--and that's baaaaaaad!! Except, most Americans favor government health insurance. So, what Mitt's saying is, "the majority of Americans have agreed that 'their' money should be used for this purpose. But, fuck 'em! Free market! Wooooooo!"

The punchline is that not one of these retards knows what a "free market" is, or should be, or has been. They only know they're supposed to say "free market" a lot, while giving the all-knowing knod and a thumbs-up sign to the camera (and the supposed legion of Reaganite mouth-breathers hanging on every word and coded reference). Mitt Romney said that banning reimportation of cheaper drugs from Canada is the free market in action!

I love that all these guys spent the whole debate tearing into one another, with no clear winner (except Ron Paul, who kicked ass but is a joke, so no one noticed his ass-kickery). Then, when some A-hole asked them all why people shouldn't vote for Barack Obama, none of them had an answer. In fact, most of them said what amounted to, "Obama is cool with me." This is a joke, right?

Clap. Clap. Boom!