Friday, January 18, 2008

Somebody's Late to the Party

FOX will, apparently, broadcast the Super Bowl interspersed with segments on the presidential campaigns. Why is this newsworthy? (The New York Observer, of course, is not a real "news"paper, but still.) The political parts, surely, will be slanted to the right, and I'm certain there will be allusions to Democratic candidates that suggest no faggoty liberal ever played football (for the record, none of the faggoty Republicans did, either).

The mashup of sports and politics is drawing the ire of people who (I assume) just want to watch the Super Bowl or a presidential debate, but not both. And some of the teeth-gnashing is coming from Democrats who just know that FOX is going to find a way to smear them. But here's the thing: the NFL has long been associated with a certain conservative demographic and post-9/11 all the games are sponsored by the Army or Marines. Football is war, boy! And the Republicans are the War Party, so what're you gonna do?

I'm going to watch the game, laugh with my friends, and marvel at how far the GOP and its Aussie pimp have fallen.