Saturday, January 27, 2007

What's Your Point, Though?

Senate Republicans (or, as they're known, "Turds") won't pass the minimum wage bill without a corresponding tax cut for small business.

Now, forgetting briefly that "small business" is a meaningless term if the President and Vice President can both claim on their tax returns to be small businessmen (look it up and find out if you've "got wood." Furious George does.). Just to add one more example (which I don't need to, since I just damn said that it was forgettable): the Carolina Hurricanes, defending Stanly Cup Champions of the NHL (Jesus, gratuitous example!), are classified by RBC Centura Bank--whose name graces the building the team plays in--as a "small business." Marinate on that for a minute.

The point about the Senate, though, is that a tax break for small business makes little sense. What's the connection to the minimum wage? As far as I can ponder it, there are very few small businesses that pay minimum wage.

What are the two kinds of small businesses? 1: single employee, sole proprietorships. 2: non-farm, family operations.

#1 has no issue with the minimum wage. Sole proprietors don't always draw a check (from themselves), as it's more efficient and profitable to keep all the money in the business--and you pay less in taxes by doing so. Besides, what kind of butthole would pay himself minimum wage?

Additionally, most of these companies are established to do subcontract or contract work, which--newsflash--doesn't pay minimum wage. Let me state categorically that unskilled day labor in the South (the worst, lowest work I can think of) pays at least $8 an hour. And then you get a 1099. THAT should be the tax break the government looks at, since 1099 "employees" have to pay taxes twice; that is, they pay a self-employment tax AND the 1040 tax everybody pays. On $30,000 in income that's roughly $3500 in taxes, due all at once.

#2 also has no connection to the minimum wage, since families don't pay minimum wage, either, if they pay at all.

So, Turds, what's your boner for this tax break all about?

Am I missing the point?