Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Have a Gay Old Time...Somewhere Else

AmericaBlog is no longer one of our links. Why? For the same reason Atrios and DailyKos aren't. They are all part of the "pussy left" and I can't take no more of 'em.

One reason to drop AmericaBlog is that it has post after post of bitching and ramped-up outrage, but they all end the same way: "we need to do something NOW. Bush must know that this is not OK!" Well, all right. What are "we" gonna do? Apparently, "we're" going to fume and stew, and then post some more, by God!! Useless. No time for that.

The other reason is that it's just plain inconsistent--and apprently we aren't supposed to realize it. In a war of attrition, I guess, all sources are potentially useful, but AmericaBlog is insulting to me. Case in point: last week, they ran a post about how the Washington Times (owned by Rev. Moon and definitely right wing) is full of lies about Democrats, but then turned around a day or two later and said the Washington Times published a "withering" attack on Bush for spying and that this is super-duper awesome reportage by that paper.

Now I ask you: is the Moonie Times a worthless right wing rag, to be ignored or ridiculed; or is it the believable source for the spying scandal? Goddammit, make up your mind!

Or don't. You're out, John. There are things I have to do that you can't be a part of...