Sunday, November 27, 2005

Bush Invents Universal Freedom, Blows it Up

Bush in Kyoto:

"In the 21st century, freedom is an Asian value -- because it is a universal value."

Okay then. Freedom was not, prior to the 21st century, a universal value. A number of Enlightenment thinkers fucked that all up then. Or, perhaps, Asia just recently joined the goddamned Universe. Or maybe the Republicans invented freedom, which would explain why they think they have the right to blow it all up with shock and awe tm.

And Rumsfeld claims those of us who call for an end to this unjustified war are encouraging insurgents, well, that would imply that staying there is discouraging insurgency. Hmm. So those suicide bombers are actually popping off golden beams of happy sunshine, then. Lying bastard, I hope you fuck off before you die.