Saturday, December 03, 2005

Thank You, Marius

Well, here it is: credit where credit is due. And all these years I've been repeating the lie that she was pregnant. Shame on me.

But shame, mega-fucking-time, on the NAACP, since Miss Colvin says that the vanguard of the Civil Rights movement (read: sellout negroes) dropped her because she was dark-skinned and Rosa "I'm the greatest! I shook up the world" Parks was light-skinned.

"In some ways, we've romanticised the civil rights movement," said Lonnie Bunch, founding director of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African America History and Culture. "We often forget just how strong the walls of segregation were, just how close to the surface racial hatred was. This wasn't simply a walk in the park."

No fucking shit, bitch. Good one. Maybe you should try telling this to the NAACP and the rest of the vanilla beans who are trying to make us all think that the 1960's were all about black-and-white (too punny? should I have said "Manichean"?) justice and truth issues. It's politics, fuckers; everybody's at war, all the damn time! Rosa Parks is a brand name, not an icon!