Sunday, October 30, 2005


God, what a beautiful day. The GOP is on the run and can't even keep its lies straight anymore. Either the announcement yesterday "cleared Karl Rove completely," or else "Karl Rove remains in jeopardy from an overzealous prosecutor." Well, which is it, dummies? Can you imagine what the 2006 election will look like against this collection of dipshits? "The GOP wants you to know that we support our troops, and that's why we need to invade Syria! Vote Republican--WE make jobs for soldiers" OR "Our troops aren't fighting hard enough, and that's why we are losing in Iraq! Vote Republican--WE don't have any kids in the Army!" At this point, it would appear that even Hillary Clinton could be elected to the US Senate against a Republican. Oh, wait! Hot damn!

No, what I meant to suggest is that the GOP ain't looking so good for the 2006 elections. The Democrats, for their part, seem content to sit still and be quiet and let it all fall into their laps. This presents a one-time historic opportunity for those of us who don't particularly like the grovelers and twits at the DNC or their chosen candidates. The chance is there to twist some arms and force a weak national leadership to accept radical local candidates.

I certainly do not mean that Greens, Libertarians, Independents, or any other defeatist, fractioning group should try to put forth candidates as "Democrats". What I mean instead is that actual Democrats (imagine!) should search out and promote truly radical men and women to run for state and national offices next election.

Let's face facts: the Democrats who control the purse strings will pour money into any candidate who proves his viability--look at Paul Hackett. Ergo, it takes little imagination to see that the national party is in a tough spot if local Democrats put forth their own candidates. I, for one, don't want some pud like Melissa Bean or Jesse Jr. as my Congressman. I want the reddest Latino alderman in Chicago to run for Congress, and I want the Democratic Party to pay her expenses. And why would it? Because it is so fucking weak that, with a minimum of fuss, any group of organized Democrats would scare the DNC into acquiescence.

We've been looking at this all wrong. The GOP scares the Democratic leadership--but so should we. The people "in charge" are only tough until you get in their faces, then they fold like wet napkins. Don't let apathetic weaklings represent you in your state legislature or in Congress. When you see a real hardass Democrat, let your greeting be "You oughtta run for political office!"