Sunday, October 30, 2005

Encouraging Signs from the Minor Leagues

For a good laugh, you might check out the Rutgers Centurion online, the campus journal of RU students who want to grow up to be Karl Rove someday (note how it's not affiliated in any real sense with the university). Of course, if they were to just get thrown in jail NOW, in six months they could say they were ahead of Uncle Karl himself. Perhaps they could even set up their own prison gang, acting as shock troops and asserting their might so that when Karl arrives he isn't unmercifully ass-raped 24 hours a day for his entire sentence. Having seen their pictures, though, I'm going to guess that none of the Young Republicans at the Centurion knows how to file a toothbrush into a shiv. Too bad for Turd Bloosom; he should pick his acolytes more carefully.

Anyway, I have changed my mind about the Centurion entirely: those guys (and they are all guys, save one or two masochistic female hangers-on) are really trying hard to be amusing and agitating. But, they are strictly bush-league, pun intended, and they spend most issues groping blindly for something--anything!--that readers might respond to. 'Can't say if it is working--but they keep cranking it out, bless the little dimwits, whether anyone reads it or not. I'd say the best indicator of their total irrelevance is that they keep throwing jabs at university president Richard McCormick and he doesn't respond. Obviously, he's too frightened of the little Bolsheviks to do anything. No, wait; that doesn't seem right. I guess he just doesn't notice. How it must hurt to be common.

Anyway, please take a gander at the Centurion and keep your eyes peeled for any comments on the war in Iraq. There is nothing better than sending chickenhawks' names to Operation Yellow Elephant for summary ridicule.