Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Runny Cunts

This week's Runny Cunts:

1. People who put pictures of their cats, or dogs, or orchids, or feces, or badger-chewed nipples on their Friday blog postings. It's spelled
g-a-y, people, and John Aravosis from AmericaBlog gets a free pass. But the rest of you, knock it off!

2. Commenters on liberal blogs who use the term "Fitzmas" over and over again to refer to the impending indictments of Scooter Libby and Karl Rove. We get it. It's a pun. Hooray. Just sit still and wait for the announcement, Twitch. Jesus. (shakes head)

3. The president.

4. Blog advertisers who put out robots to spam blogs like mine by posting random, inane comments like, "Hey, great blog you got here! I will DEFINITELY bookmark this one! Thanks for letting me know about it! By the way, the San Diego Speedway now offers three tickets, three hot dogs, and five sodas for only $19...can you BELIVE it?! Check it out at this link!"

Anyone who knows me could tell you that nobody I talked to about this blog would type that message ("bookmark"? I'm on the internet now, bitch! There ain't no more books in cyberspace, muthafuckaaaaa!!). Furthermore, for my $19 I could get a burrito and a couple hits from the taqueria down the block, so fuck San Diego!

5. Blog-spamming robots that leave comments on archived pages--sure, it's harder to find and erase them, but who would be reading the archives of a site like this? That would be like going to a public restroom and scraping the shit off the wall to read the old graffiti.

6. Harriet Miers. Expecting "the change" any day now.

Aha! That was a cunt joke, wasn't it? Brilliant!

7. Young Republicans who won't join the armed forces (or are they "running cunts"? Gerund?)