I Died in "Operation Horrible Lie" and All I got was a Pentagon Ad on My Gravestone...
The Pentagon, which pays for headstones of dead troops (which are installed after the furtive, after-dark burials are performed), has begun putting things like "Operation Enduring Freedom" on the markers so that everyone in future decades will know that the men and women buried under said stones died...oh, they died in THAT fucked-up illegal war! OK! Jesus, for a second there I thought they died in Bosnia or some other non-criminal, justified action. Phew! Nice to know that's cleared up.
Actually, though, there's a problem with the government just going around and engraving whatever the fuck it feels like on dead kids' tombstones: those commie-loving, probably gay, certainly leftist FAMILIES that keep saying they don't want their offspring to have graves that continue the lie that this whole debacle is about operations "Iraqi Freedom" or "Vengeful Liberty" or "Bloody Expiation of Brown People's Innate Sinfulness". OK, I made that one up.
Imagine, though, if the press was still as interested in the President's sex life as it was six years ago: we'd have thousands of gravestones for people who died in "Operation Suppress Evidence of Jeff Gannon's Sloppy Blowjob".
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