Saturday, August 06, 2005

Unintelligent Design Theory

Our President, who is not a scientist, has endorsed Intelligent Design Creationism, which isn't science. But Americans like a straight-shooter, right? Hence, Bush's repeated use of the word "resolve." What is resolve? Apparently, it means that when the 55,000 members of the National Science Teachers Association say ID isn't science, when 43,000 members of the American Geophysical Union say ID isn't science, when the National Center for Science Education says ID isn't science, when 577 scientists named Steve say ID isn't science, when the NIH, NSF, and DOE say ID isn't science, resolve is saying, despite the fact that you were a C-student who only got into Yale through legacy admissions, and are not a scientist, that ID should be taught in schools. That's resolve, and therefore, resolve is a likely indicator of willful ignorance.

Responding to this request by a fellow North Carolinian who is a scientist, I'm linking to this, to manipulate Google's search engine so anyone whose interest about this has been piqued will see the fact and theory of evolution, and it's importance to modern thought and the U.S. economy.