Sunday, November 21, 2004

Addition by Subtraction = Success Through Failure

Remember when George "Asshat" Bush, in a feat of thundering stupidity, even for him, told everyone at the debates that his administration had actually increased, not decreased, Pell Grant funding for poor students? By which, of course, he meant that he had cut the amount of the grants but had given them to more people. See, if I have one million dollars to spend on Pell Grants, but instead of giving 10,000 people $100 each, I give one million people one dollar each, I have just "increased" the number of grants. It's that simple! AND SOME DUMB FUCKWADS VOTED FOR THAT PRICK!

SO guess what happened last week? No? No idea? Let's let the NY Times do the talking (albeit not the criticizing. Reminding the President of his lies would be, I don't know, someone else's job, I guess): Headline : "Bill Clears Way for Government to Cut Back College Loans."

Except, see, a Pell Grant isn't a college loan. It's a grant, as the name clearly implies. In fact, the article immediately goes on to say that the bill going through Congress would cut as many as 100,000 low-income students' "grants," not loans! Why is the Times hiding the truth? I cannot imagine...

"They are throwing students out of the opportunity to seek a college education," said Senator Jon S. Corzine, the New Jersey Democrat who wrote the amendment to stop the changes last year, and introduced a similar provision this year that did not survive the conference committee. "It is now clear to me that this was a backdoor attempt to cut funding from the Pell grant program."

Thanks, Jon. See you at the MENSA meeting next vernal equinox?

As someone whose college education was funded in part by a generous Pell Grant, this strikes me as a big fucking deal. Where is the outrage? Where is the kicking and screaming? Why won't our paper of record put out a big headline that says, "Hey, Redneck Fuckwad! YOUR President Wants to Take Away Your Kid's Education!"???? Where, exactly, does the situation get so bad that even the dumbest shithead among the 59 million (if you believe that rigged-up number) shitheads realizes that this is all fucked up? When do they realize that they voted to fuck themselves, and then gave the man the four-foot, rusty nail-embedded, jagged glass-edged, roto-dildo to do it with?

You know what, though? FUCK THEM. Fuck 'em all. THEY voted for his sorry ass, they knew what they were getting, so fucking fuck them!!! You dumb motherfuckers own this one, no doubt.

Oh, you can't send little Ronny Reagan Shitkicker to college? FUCK YOU. You can't get him out of the draft? FUCK YOU. Gas prices so high that you can't afford to keep that Expedition? FUCK YOU. People in foreign countries spit on you when you go on vacation? FUCK YOU!!!

As for me, call me Canadian. Somebody else owns this disaster. I'm just rubbernecking.