Saturday, March 15, 2008

Almost Done

Soon, when he is irrelevant, we'll look back on GW Bush's reign of terror and wryly chuckle at things like his announcement yesterday that, in his esteemed opinion, the government must not overadjust the economy. The economy that GW Bush broke. You know, that one.

Just one of the vast number of subjects the President doesn't know much about, the economy should probably be on the short list of things Bush might want to shut the fuck up about for the rest of his term.

On the bright side, it looks less likely that BushCo will try to hang onto power by declaring martial law or anything like that. At this point, they look too inept to schedule coffee dates. The better plan would be to hand off to the Democrats, wait 4 years, and then trot out another Bush brother (the one who isn't a convicted felon, Jeb) and try it again. Fat chance, but hey: it's all they've got. I have a feeling that the intervening time will not be kind to the Bush legacy, however, and that the idea of a return to power for anyone who even associates with Bush will be impossible.