Thursday, February 14, 2008

Reaching Around

Our presumptive nominee wants to "reach across the aisle" and embrace Republicans on a host of issues. Now, forgetting that we have already learned, time and time again, that you can't make a deal with Republicans unless you're offering something they actually want (and the filibuster minority in Congress has shown nothing but contempt for Democrats thus far), here's a lesson for all would-be compromise Democrats:

Republicans Walk Out During Memorial Service for Rep. Lantos

Jesus Buttfucking Christ. Why would anyone piss on a dead guy's grave like that? GOP'ers don't want Bolton and Miers cited for contempt, OK I get that. The imperial president is their good buddy and all, even if they don't want to be seen with him on the campaign trail. But, this is a memorial service, you retards.

Are Republicans the retards here? I think, in times like this, that Democrats who dream fuzzy scenarios where all political issues are solved by rounds of inter-party patty-cake, rather than hand-to-hand combat, are the actual 'tards. When you let them run wild without consequences, this kind of shit is bound to result. Happy Hugs-a-lot, Obama, doesn't look like he'll make any difference.