Wednesday, February 06, 2008

John Zogby Needs to Go Away

When was the last time pollster John Zogby was right about anything? He is currently telling people that, hey, he was correct in 13 of 17 races so far--but I (dammit, nothing is more emphatic than a capital "i"!!) was right about all the races. All of them. Go check. Done? Good. Let's move on.

Zogby, you may recall, was famously "wrong" about Gore. But, asked and answered, Gore won. Kerry also won...except for those Ohio machines. Hmmm...

The result of his "wrongness" appears to be that Zogby has gone round the bend and now makes crazy predictions about things based on a new set of formulae he came up with in the wake of the Gore and Kerry debacles that weights polling data to account for those fucking lying-ass American voters who made him look bad in 2000 and 2004.

Except, they didn't. They told him who they voted for. Gore and Kerry won. Millions of votes were never counted. That's not the polls' problem, it's the pols' problem. Sorry.

But, here's Zogby again, basically saying, "oops. I just, naturally, assumed you assholes were lying to me again, so I made a crazy prediction about California going for Obama, like, huge, and instead it went for Clinton, exactly as voters said."

Go the fuck away, Zogby. You suck at this. 99% to 1%, in favor of "true."