Friday, February 08, 2008


Post #666 goes to Attorney General Mukasey, who has some interesting ideas about how to do his job, and about the law and when and to whom it applies. First, he declared that torture is legal, if the Department of Jutice says it is. And, it's still legal if the DOJ later changes the decision and says it's illegal. Also, if DOJ decides torture is illegal and then later changes its mind and makes it legal, then any torture that happened back when it was illegal becomes legal. Are you following all this? Basically, the Attorney General of the United States has asserted that anything could be legal, at any time, if he says it is/was. Thus, there are no laws that apply to the United States government, or potentially to any citizen, as long as that citizen has an out from the AG.

Yesterday, Mukasey also informed Congress that he just doesn't feel like enforcing either the subpoenae or the contempt citations for Harriet Miers or that other Bolton fag. So, subpoena powers, and by extension all oversight of the executive branch of our government by the other two branches, is null and void. The Attorney General has declared this.

What is going on? Congress, as usual, appears to be content to swallow hard and do absolutely nothing. Congratulations, Democrats: you were duped. You bought the lie that Mukasey had a shred of integrity and wasn't just a Bush puppet, and you were willing to play the lead in the comedy of his confirmation.

I'd like to take a special moment here to thank Ralph Nader, once again, for running in 2000.

Also, special thanks to congressional Democrats, who have been consistent in their refusal to exercise any oversight in the last 7 years, leading us to where we are today--that is, where the AG has declared that laws don't apply to anyone if he says they don't. And, a belated thanks to Democrats for never fixing our broken elections that, as much as Nader, contributed to this bullshit, nightmare scenario.

Finally, for all the "independents" out there who, at least today, are leaning towards either Obama or McCain: 1. if you call yourself an "independent," then you obviously haven't been paying attention and 2. if you vote for McCain, you can expect more of this behavior. If you vote for Obama, you are voting for someone who apparently thinks Republicans are open to the idea of bipartisanship and that they will play along and surrender all the horrific, anti-democratic gains they've made since Bush took office. I can totally see that happening, right after Hell freezes over and Ralph Nader apologizes for his crimes before committing Hari-Kiri.

End post #666.