Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Shovel Some Dirtz on Wirtz

Bill Wirtz, owner and wrecker of the NHL's Chicago Blackhawks, is (finally) dead. At his funeral, someone actually had the gall to tell everybody that Billy Wirtz was "a giant among men." Considering that the person who said that is Don King, a giant among stupid men, it doesn't deserve more than passing comment. That comment being, of course, that if what you consider to be "greatness" is the ability to take one of the most famous sports franchises in one of the biggest cities in the world and single-handedly destroy it through cheapness, avarice, and ineptitude, then yes, Bill Wirtz was the greatest of them all.

For decades he extorted and cheated the city and its residents while ignoring the team's steep and ugly decline--in fact, denying it and insisting that the team was getting better all the time, despite what our eyes and the stat books told us. The sport is far better without this greedy little shit. Whether the Blackhawks can recover in our lifetimes is less certain.