Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Is this necessary?

Why do people still use the term "space age"? Infomercial for wacky mattress: "It's made of 100% Space Age material! (!!)" Well, I'm sold. The Space Age was just, what? Forty years ago? Have there been any new "space age" materials invented in the last few decades?

Are "space age" products being targeted to older Americans who have no consciousness of popular culture after 1969? Even if we stipulate that the "Space Age" carried into the early 1980s (a big maybe), that was over 20 years ago. Do younger people even understand what the term means, or is it just another meaningless phrase that rolls off the ear in a sea of blah-blah-blah?

Is the term just hanging around until some ad man invents the "information age material" equivalent?