Monday, September 03, 2007


In an earlier post, we here at TCBH mistakenly asserted that Sen. Larry Craig is a homo and that's the only reason he's being forced to resign, maybe. While it does seem that the GOP is swayed by the fact that Craig's replacement will be appointed by a Republican governor (and, for example, David Vitter's successor, had he resigned over his own pervy sex scandal, would have been put up by a Democratic governor), a very wise man--my dad--reminded me that upon further review Senator Craig is a man. Ergo, his airport restroom adventure may have had more to do with getting off on the verboten nature of the activity--its perviness, the danger of being caught, etc. This, for all you ladies out there, is what most men do, or think about doing, or pay professionals to help them pretend to do. Where is my Freud compendium??

The "ooooooh, I see..." moment came when the police report revealed that Sen. Craig was sitting in a stall to the left (as one sits) of the undercover cop. And yet, the cop distinctly remembers seeing a hand with a wedding ring come under his stall. This means that Craig was reaching across his body to show his left hand to the cop. Which begs the question, why? The wise guy would say that the good Senator was showing off the ring because it jacks up the forbidden-quotient. Meanwhile, Craig was jacking up...well, let's just say that his right hand was busy.

So, to sum up: Senator Craig, probably not gay in the permamnent sense. It's not his identity, in all likelihood; it's just a way to get off and have fun while doing it. Think, "monkey humping a football." Men, as far as we here at TCBH know them, like to have sex and will find new and interesting ways to do so if given the chance. Senator Craig's little saga--which is really quite boring--is only interesting in this psychological, not any political, sense. He certainly can't be "claimed" by the gay movement as some kind of tragic figure.

Thanks, Dad.