Sunday, September 10, 2006

Shouting at Nobody

I sent this email to American Airlines just now:

I have just viewed part of ABC's movie "The Path to 9/11," and it showed one of the hijackers checking in on an American Airlines flight. His check-in set off alarm bells and made the ticket agent so nervous that a supervisor had to be called. BUT apparently American Airlines has no problem letting a wanted terrorist get on its planes, because ABC then showed your supervisor negligently telling the ticket agent to just let Atta get on the plane.
We all know what happened next. I am appalled that AA played such a large role in letting 9/11 happen, and I can't believe you aren't being sued by all the families of the victims. I, for one, will never fly with you again, since ABC has shown me that you obviously don't care about safety or about stopping those who want to destroy our country.
Thank God ABC has shown this film to millions of viewers, so companies like American Airlines can be boycotted. You should be ashamed of the responsibility you have for 9/11. I can't believe AA was so negligent or that it took 5 whole years for ABC to show America the truth. Shame on you. Now that the public knows what REALLY happened with the airlines, your company should be out of business in a matter of weeks. You might as well be traitors to the United States, you greedy fools.

Pretty slick, eh? I asked for a response, so let's see what they give. If they don't sue ABC, then fuck 'em, they're gutless retards and I won't fly with them again. If they DO sue ABC, they still have shitty service, tiny seats, and their flights are always late, so fuck 'em and I won't fly with them again. Either way, I win.

Pretty dispiriting to realize that a couple (literally, a handful) of shit-for-brains Republicans can get an accurate TV movie about the rather mundane life of St. Ronald Reagan pulled from national broadcast, but millions of Democrats, a former President, a former Secretary of State, and all their lawyers can't get an admittedly biased, mostly-made-up TV movie about one of the most powerful days in our living memory pulled. I mean, what's the idea? To get liberals to hate 9/11 because the only people who mention it are political hacks who want to piss on 3,000 graves? Is ABC holding back a bigger anti-Bush bombshell to run even closer to the election? Would that be "balanced"?

This country, in its politics, media, and social relations, is fast becoming a monstrous joke. I'm glad ABC television has reminded me of just how small and powerless I am--and the 60% of the country that agrees with me on the war, Bush's performance, and the Republican Party's utter failure. It's funny that 5 years ago there was a group of people who felt so little faith in political remedies that they hijacked four airplanes and flew them into buildings. The political culture of this country--only 5 short years later! is at a point where you can't cast an honest vote, you can't question your "elected" leaders, you can't trust any politician to speak from principle or from the heart, and ordinary people don't matter in the calculations of self-proclaimed media and government "masterminds." I wonder when we'll see the first American test pilot...?