Monday, September 25, 2006

Government is Dead

So, Bill Clinton has balls. We know that already. He hits on anything that moves and will so do a fat chick. That takes balls. And a relatively bigger wang, I think. Compared to the possibility that one might be rejected by said fat chick, Chris Wallace is a bald pussycat. Read that anyway you want.

The interview never did fully get around on the Global Initiative, did it? How can a man who once ran the most powerful government on earth now espouse a structure of private donations as the cure for the world's problems? Doesn't he believe in government anymore? It's not hard to see how his faith could be shaken, but goddamn, it's the government's job to protect the citizenry and improve material conditions for the human beings who created and support it.

I know some dumbasses out there will tell you that government isn't supposed to do anything of the sort, but they're wrong. And, they're courting disaster, not to mention the death of humanity (in all senses: spiritually, socially, actually). People come before abstractions. "Market" is not bigger than "self." "Hungry" is more real than "margin."

Care to disagree?