Saturday, July 09, 2005

Semper F.U.

Turns out the military DOESN'T pay your college costs when you get out. This dumb kid can barely afford community college after a four year hitch in the Army. Of course, he does live in California, where people are a little dumber than in the rest of the nation and colleges cost more, even community colleges (which all the Californians I've met insist on calling "junior colleges" for some reason).

Compounding his problem is the outrageous price of higher education. He wants to transfer to UC-Davis (we ain't even talking Berkeley or UCLA, here) and he needs some $37,000 to go there next year. IN-STATE. What has our Great Leader done about this problem in the last five years? He DID increase the number of federal loans (by splitting the awards and reducing the amount of individual aid), but he hasn't done shit to address the fact that most poor people cannot afford college anymore.

And now, on top of cutting their health benefits, denying them proper equipment in Iraq and Afghanistan, and cutting their pay, the mis-Administration wants soldiers to PAY INTO the college funding plan AND won't pony up the money to give the kids a decent education. What a fucking joke.

Good thing all the lily-white rich kids in the Young Republicans will soon be flooding the recruitment centers (that is, if Daddy will let young Spencer take the car over to the "colored" side of town)--they already have top-notch educations. Yessir, we'll soon have us the best-taught, yellowest-bellied army this world has ever seen!