Friday, July 01, 2005

Thanks for Nothing

Or, I suppose, we ought to thank Sandra Day O'Connor for that one thing she did in Roe v. Wade. But, in the immediate sense, thanks for nothing. She made it all these years and purported to stand for women and progress, and yet she is retiring so the buffoon in the White House can appoint a monster to the bench. Is Dracula still dead? How about Hitler? Perhaps Bush could pardon, then appoint, Charles Manson to the Supreme Court. Now THERE'S a guy who likes women...dead. Or crazy. But whatever.

Say it with me: Fuck you, you stupid cunt. I hope the new Court imposes mandatory euthanasia for all people over seventy--you first, dearie.

Let us reflect, too, on the fact that the showdown over a Supreme Court nominee is sure to take everyone's eyes off the debacle in Iraq, Chimpy's falling poll numbers, the Plame case, and all the Republicans' other problems. Now we can get back to the only issue with any traction for the right: those bad old, obstructionist Democrats, who surely won't give well-qualified criminals like Alberto Gonzales an up-or-down vote. O'Connor has shown her true colors at last: sniveling lackey for the Republican Party. This could not have come at a worse time, but it will finally provide an acid test for the left in this country. There is only one acceptable outcome to this fight, and we will soon know the answer to the question "whither America?" Seems tragic and exciting. It wouldn't be hard work if there wasn't a chance of failure, so buck up you fucking crybabies, and let's dig in and fight for this.