Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Funny--I thought only their leader was this stupid

Having always assumed that the Republicans in Washington were playing their own little chickenshit games on the taxpayer dole, I am surprised by the outpouring of anguish from rural, blue collar Republicans since yesterday. See, I never believed that ordinary Republicans were really supportive of the party leadership, just that the working people who voted for Frist and Bush and the rest of the retards were out of the loop or otherwise distracted with the everyday struggle to survive in Bush's shit economy (should have thought of that before the last election, Wyoming!).

But, judging by the call-ins to CSPAN over the last 36 hours or so, the rank-and-file Republicans are still trying to get the blood out of their eyes. They absolutely fucking hate the compromise which, of course and contrary to what other Lefties might want you to think, does not make it a good deal for Democrats.

This guy from Oklahoma (--"homo"?) called in yesterday to quiz some guy from the Congressional Record and he proceeded to lay out an indictment of the United States government and our Founding Fathers that was truly breathtaking. That guy really hates America. The argument was this (paraphrasing, obviously, since I don't have TiVo and, no, I do not yet live in the 21st century):
"Look, man, we had an election. We won. We control the House, Senate, and White House. How come we have to compromise? Getting 99% of what you want isn't enough--you have to get 100%. That's what the election means: you get everything you want!"

Karl Rove could not have said it better. These people, these Midwestern flathead retarded fucks have been thoroughly and completely indoctrinated by the GOP machine. They can spout the party line in a second and without a second thought. This is truly terrifying. Half our population has been brainwashed to the point that they don't even recognize democracy or fairness as ideals worth preserving. They want whatever the leadership wants, and they want it now. That guy in Oklahoma would kill you, me, or his own family if he thought it would accomplish the Republican Rapture.

What are we going to do about that little problem?