Sunday, April 10, 2005

How to Destroy a Political Movement

I am referring to the conservative takeover of our country--and I'm being nice in calling it a "political movement" instead of what it is: a Christian nutjob-led, fascistic drive towards an apocalyptic clusterfuck.

Anyway, it would appear that the end (for the Right) is drawing nigh. The only question now is how to wrest control from its cold, dead hands. Despite what the polls say, despite the fact that many, if not most of the leaders of the conservative cabal will find themselves--relatively soon--in prison or in disgrace, it seems unlikely that the Boy King and his keepers will willingly surrender the reigns of power. The democratic process is actually dead at the moment--which is not to say that it cannot be resurrected.

So how the fuck do we get the wingnuts out of office--and I don't mean "how do we win elections" (because that, as far as I'm concerned, is a matter of when, not if ), but rather how do we get them physically out of the building?