Monday, March 14, 2005

Me Hate Me

Oh yeah, Michelle Malkin. Almost forgot that bitch even existed. Boy, for a "darling" of the Right (reich?) she sure does get lousy exposure. Just not white enough yet, I suppose. Keep scrubbing with that Brillo pad, skank, you'll make it some day.
Anyway, AmericaBlog notes that Malkin is on the loose again, this time attempting to diss female corrections officers for not being able to subdue 240-lb. convicted rapists. Because one woman was overpowered by a psychopath, who then shot five people, that means all women make bad cops.

Well, OK.

Cops do, after all, suck. And nobody ever got shot for no reason (try that one on the Fraternal Order of Police next time they call a-fundraisin'). Thank you, Michelle. You fucking alien-looking, dick-licking whorebag.

Oh, and if concentration camps for the Japanese are so fucking great, why don't we bring them back and let any "grateful" minorities take up residence therein?

You first, bitch.