Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Elevating the Public Discourse

Democrat: I'm firmly against the privatization of Social Security, because the President and his advisors stand to make a ton of money off the scheme, and because they have proven in the past to be truly lousy financial planners...

Ann Coulter: Shut up! You are such a baby! Do you ever stop whining and crying? Is this the fate of your party--which is practically dead anyway--that you and your girlie man friends come on TV to act like idiots for a national audience?

Democrat: Why, Ann, are you afraid to address the real issue here?

Ann Coulter: You mean why you are such a limp-wristed, Arab-loving, liberal traitor?

Democrat: OK, well then tell me: how is it that an obvious transsexual like yourself could still have such a gigantic, manly Adam's apple after all that hormone therapy?

Ann Coulter: Stop it! I DEMAND civility here! I will not be spoken to this way--it's people like YOU who have lowered the expectations of the public with regards to political speech, and people like YOU who contribute to the dumbing-down of America!!

Democrat: All right. I'm sorry, Ann.

Ann Coulter: You pussy.

See what we're up against? This is why I will not talk to Republicans. They have no interest whatsoever in holding a conversation. They only want to make you look like a sissy. So, I propose to emasculate them in return by silencing them entirely. They deserve it: the GOP could teach Hitler a lesson in arrogance. Sadly, if this is the order of the day, we cannot be expected to play by a different, superior set of rules. It's time to fight that war of annihilation Karl Rove is always jerking off over.