Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Fun with Our Friends

Please find below an actual review from of Where's Waldo?: The Fantastic Journey. It's banned in several libraries (too violent. Bet you never thought you'd see that in connection with Waldo. Parents and librarians are such pussies.). My nephew, therefore, is getting a copy for his birthday.
So, without further ado, another piece of Fun with Our Friends:

"Have you ever felt like there's something missing in your life? An empty spiritual void in the center of your soul? Do you wish to enjoy the wisdom and blessings of the true faith? Seven years ago, I too felt this need. After a nasty divorce, the death of my parents, and my incarceration, I was at a low point in life's journey. I turned to prescription painkillers and cheap hookers to satisfy my longings, but to no avail. After my home was repossessed I was sleeping in alleys and stealing car stereos. One afternoon while I was relieving myself in the children's section of the local library, I came upon a text that changed my life. As I sat in the undersized chairs leafing through Where's Waldo?: The Fantastic Journey, I knew that I had found salvation. The mysteries of Waldo are a path to the ultimate, glorious meaning of the universe, a path through realms of wonder and fear, and the great striped Messiah is our guide. We are beset on all sides by evil, confusion, and the abominable deceiver, Odlaw. Only Waldo, with his holy cane of righteousness and cap of wisdom, can lead us to the promised land on the last page. I recommend this tome, and the rest of the Waldo scriptures, to every last man, woman, and child on the planet."