Thursday, December 09, 2004

Sayonara, Bitches!

I'm off after today to sunny, open shop North Carolina, where me and my military buddies (LOTS of bases in NC) are gonna get together and make a frag list. Wholly hypothetical, you understand. Like, "If I had one grenade and a choice between Zell Miller, Jesus, and GW FUPA*, which would get the pill?"
Anyway, there ain't no computers down there (which, if I understand double negatives, means that there are) so I will only post when it's convenient. Which will likely be not at all, since an estimated 85% of my target demographic lives there and I can just walk over to their houses.
For the rest of you suckers, stay well, stay liberal, and get me some Republican trophy body parts. Take their balls, if you can find any; or better yet, get me some teeth. Those soft, fat, man-titty-having right-wingers have obviously taken Arnold to heart: they've become total girlie men, and they're on the run! Get 'em! Kill! Kill!

*FUPA is an old acronym for that bulge women get just below their beltlines. It stands for Fat Upper Pussy Area. It describes Bush perfectly, especially if you saw him in that tiny little army jacket yesterday.